Aus der Praxis – Bericht aus den Schulen

Unser Mitarbeiter Wyson Philippo hat wieder einmal die von uns unterstützten Schulen besucht. Diese Besuche gehören zum Arbeitsalltag vor Ort. Nach einer solchen Visite bekommen wir in der Regel per Mail ein kurzes Protokoll mit Informationen, dazu den ein oder anderen Handy-Schnappschuss. Diese Daten ermöglichen es uns, einen Überblick zu behalten und im Team nächste Maßnahmen zu besprechen und in die Wege zu leiten.

Hier ein Bericht von Februar:

Dear All
I am writing to report that I have been visiting the schools from 8 February 2021 to 11 February 2021.

  • On 8 February I visited Nsanjama school where I met with the head teacher who informed me that only the teachers were present but the learners were not present due to break down of communication.
  • On 9 February 2021 I visited Mapereka school to monitor the distribution of Likuni Phala to the learners. They started very well and the learners attended the school in large number and received the Likuni Phala. At this school, there is a disaster, the roof of the church was taken off by the storm and part of walls collapsed and the General Secretary for Blantyre Synod Rev. Dr. Billy Gama was called to have a look for the support.
  • On 10 February 2021, I visited Mwangothaya and Nkondezi schools. In these schools, they have also started very well and the learners attended the school in larger number.
  • During my visit in these three schools, the learners said that they are happy to be back to school and appreciate the Likuni Phala. I therefore explained briefly that the portion is for 10 school days.
  • At Nkondezi school, the tap is now functioning. I also discussed with the head teachers and agriculture teachers about the school gardens.

Wyson Phillipo

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