Some few months ago at Mwangothaya school: Fertile soils were prepared using dead plants, ashes, water. Some remains from likuni phala kitchen.
Then this improved grey soils were brought to the garden. All the plastics were removed so that the action of micro organisms were not compromised.
Then we wanted to notice the effectiveness of the improved soils. We made a few beds and sowed mustard and another mustard was sowed on the usual garden soils. These are the results: the mustard did well in the made soils.. and the conclusion was made that we need to make more of the grey soils so that we achieve maximum yields.
Our infertile garden soils. We even tried mulching but the soils couldn’t even keep as much moisture as we expected. Take a look.
The way forward is that we are geared to bringing more fertile grey soils.
The challenge we are facing now is the wheelbarrows. Our wheelbarrows are not functioning hence needs to be repaired.